NucleoSyn produces and supplies synthetic lipids from milligrams to multi-kilos quantities.
Phosphatidylethanol /PEth ammonium salt

Phosphatidyl ethanol (PEth) is an abnormal phospholipid formed in the erythrocyte membrane exclusively in the presence of ethanol. It is described as exhibiting a high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for detecting active chronic excessive drinking behaviors. It may also be useful for characterizing the drinking pattern (i.e. identifying binge drinking episodes) and differentiating light-moderate drinking from abstinence. Alcohol biomarkers are physiological indicators of alcohol exposure or ingestion and may reflect the presence of an alcohol use disorder” Substance Abuse Treatment Advisory. Sept 2006, Vol 5, Issue 4.
N. Kummer et al., Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2016, 408, 3, 825-838. read article
A. K. Brown et al., AIDS Behav., 2017, 21, 1938-1949. read article