Fluorescein Amidites
Fluo-dT is a monomer of choice for the modification of oligonucleotides within the sequence. Fluorescein-labeled oligo can be obtained by normal cleavage and deprotection. 6-FAM phosphoramidite is mostly used to label the terminus during oligonucleotide synthesis. The 6-FAM phosphoramidite has found applications in genomic research, such as DNA sequencing and amplification. The 3’-(6-FAM)-CPG is very useful for the simple insertion of a fluorescein group at the 3’-terminus of an oligonucleotide.
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5'-Amino & Internal Modifiers 5'- & 3'-Thiol-Modifiers 5'- & 3'-Phosphorylating-Modifiers Biotin Labeling Fluorescein Amidites Spacer Modifiers Duplex Modifiers Dark Quenchers 3'-Glyceryl-CPG 3'-Solid Support CPG
3'-(6-FAM) CPG allows effective blockage of the 3'-terminus from polymerase extension as well as exonuclease digestion...
5'-Fluorescein phosphoramidite (6-FAM)
Fluorescein is used extensively as a diagnostic tool, commonly used for labeling oligos and peptides. 5'-Fluorescein p...
Fluorescein is used extensively as a diagnostic tool, commonly used for labelling oligos and peptides. 5'-Fluorescein ...